Noah Fleming

Customer loyalty expert and author, The Customer Loyalty Loop – Why People Buy, Buy More, and Buy Again and Evergreen: Cultivate The Enduring Customer Loyalty That Keeps Your Business Thriving






Since 2005, Noah Fleming has helped audiences discover the goldmine of profits hiding right inside of their businesses. He is a high impact speaker and the author of two books: the Amazon #1 bestselling book in Sales, Marketing, and Customer Service – EVERGREEN: Cultivate The Enduring Customer Loyalty That Keeps Your Business Thriving (AMACOM) and The Customer Loyalty Loop – Why People Buy, Buy More, and Buy Again. These books break new ground on customer loyalty, customer service, customer experience, and customer retention.

Noah is a sought-after business strategy consultant, and is the trusted source for coaching and consulting to business owners, executives, and individuals who want to dramatically grow their businesses, leveraging the hidden assets they already have in place. He is routinely quoted and mentioned on media outlets like The New York Times, Forbes, Reuters and other top publications.

Noah is a sought after speaker, with notable engagements at SXSW, Hubspot’s Inbound conference, and numerous colleges and universities (including a TEDx talk viewed by thousands of people). Noah also writes a blog, and publishes his weekly newsletter, The Tuesday Tidbit, for over 22,000 subscribers.

Keynote Presentations

The Customer Loyalty Loop: The Science Behind Creating Great Experiences and Lasting Impressions

If there were a proven, scientific formula for building customer loyalty, would you want your business to follow it? Of course you would. And now, thanks to Noah Fleming, that formula exists. Industry thought leaders such as Dan Pink have hailed Noah’s best-selling book, The Customer Loyalty Loop, as a groundbreaking guide to the psychology behind building great customer experiences. Noah’s proven, scientific approach will teach your audience how to turn clients into evangelists for your business. Noah brings the philosophy of The Customer Loyalty Loop to the stage as a powerful keynote presentation that effectuates real change at organizations. Drawing from the book’s top takeaways, this speech energizes audiences with mind-blowing facts about customer behavior. The Customer Loyalty Loop applies to organizations across industries, large and small. Noah has worked with clients to implement these science-backed strategies at Fortune 500 companies, mom-and- pop operations, mid-market privately held businesses, and more.

The Evergreen Philosophy: Cultivate the Enduring Customer Loyalty That Keeps Your Buisness Thriving
Does your company struggle to build strong, lasting relationships with current customers? Are you addicted to the mad pursuit of new clients—wherever you can find them? Is your business great at attracting new buyers, but terrible at keeping them?

If so, you’re not alone. Far from it. Noah Fleming has helped thousands of clients kick the addiction to customer acquisition, and reclaim focus on their most valuable asset: current customers. After all, loyal customers are the beating heart of every great business. At your next event, let Noah lead your audience through his proven, step-by- step system to cultivate customer loyalty. Based on key takeaways from Noah’s best-selling book, Evergreen, this powerful keynote teaches participants how to transform the customer experience, right away. In this groundbreaking program you will learn how to build impeccable Character, Community, and Content—the 3 Cs of evergreen companies. And you’ll learn how to create loyalty programs that turn satisfied customers into enthusiastic advocates.

The Ultimate Sales Process for Crazy-Loyal, Lifelong Customers: Create a Seamless System to Nurture Your Clients for Long Term Loyalty

Is your sales process fundamentally flawed—but you can’t pinpoint what’s wrong? Do you start losing customers the second after they buy from you? Are your salespeople hopelessly disconnected from your marketing efforts? You might not realize it, but your sales process could be destroying your chances of retaining customers and building long-term customer loyalty. That’s why Noah Fleming has developed a proven system for selling that nurtures customers long before they ever buy from you—and long after they make that first purchase. This powerful keynote teaches audiences the Ultimate Sales Process for Customer Retention, to eliminate the scourge of one-time customers who drain the time and resources of your sales team. Noah will share his groundbreaking approach to expertly align marketing and sales for unprecedented retention rates. Noah has implemented this same process at Fortune 500 companies, mid-market privately held businesses, and smaller operations around the world—all with remarkable bottom-line results.

From Grim to Good: Why Your Company Must Be Consistently Good Before It Can Be Great— and How to Get There

Is your company ready to be great? Unless it’s already consistently good, then the answer is no. For years, renowned customer loyalty expert Noah Fleming watched low-performing companies strive for greatness—before they could even reach the low bar of being merely good. Here’s what he discovered: Good is good enough. In fact, good is exceptional. Good can crush your competition, win clients, and increase profit. That’s the core message of From Grim to Good, a refreshing wake-up call to anyone who serves a customer, and everyone looking for more success in a noisy business world. This powerful keynote gives audiences a no-nonsense roadmap for business growth that’s easy to follow, and even easier to implement. With tons of real-world examples, Noah proves that the key to improving your business—and increasing customer loyalty—has nothing to do with making a mystical leap to Steve Jobs-esque “greatness.” Instead, it’s all about putting processes and procedures in place to ensure that you’re good…most of the time. The From Grim to Good keynote provides an honest truth that’s sorely lacking in the business world today. Your company might not be the next Apple, Zappos, or Amazon. But after learning Noah’s approach, your audience will know exactly how to become exceptional in the eyes of customers—and that’s all that really matters.

Maintaining the Human Touch in a Digital World: How to Strike the Perfect Balance Between Personal Experience and Automation Technology

How can companies embrace the best, brightest new technology tools—without losing the human touch? All the bells and whistles in the world can’t replace the power of personal connection. In this dynamic keynote address, Noah will describe that while most companies scramble to find newer, faster ways to automate every aspect of business, the human touch is quickly being eradicated from their customer-facing processes. Customer loyalty expert Noah Fleming sees the danger is this widespread trend—and that’s what this innovative keynote is all about. Maintaining the Human Touch in a Digital World offers a practical roadmap for any organization currently at the crossroads of technology, business growth, and human interaction. What parts of the buying process should be automated? What parts require an actual human? And how can today’s top technology be effectively leveraged without driving customers away? Noah answers these important questions, and many more.

Noah Fleming Testimonials

“Noah is an engaging speaker, full of inspiring nuggets of marketing brilliance and insight. It was a pleasure attending his session…and I look forward to implementing the tactical advice he gave and improving our members’ experiences while boosting renewals!”

Nicole Rodriguez, marketing manager and PRO,

“Noah has woven together memorable examples, detailed common sense and an innate understanding of what makes a business thrive. Hunting for new customers wherever you can find them doesn’t make a whole lot of sense.”

Seth Godin, author of All Marketers Are Liars

“Noah ranks among the finest authorities we’ve had over the years in strategic customer service management…For business leaders interested in growing customer retention (and who’s not?), Noah’s your guy to tap! I recommend him without reservation!

Lawrence E. Wilson, executive director of economic and leadership development, Rhode Island College Chief Executives Club

“WOW. Noah is a customer retention BEAST!”

Lewis Howes,

“Our clients found Noah’s presentation to be full of pragmatic advice on online customer retention…We look forward to similar engagements with Noah in the future and would heartily recommend Noah to anyone interested in an excellent presentation, delivered in an engaging manner, with a very high [level of] practical content.”

Charles Breed, senior VP of corporate development, Vindicia

“The Customer Loyalty Loop is a fun yet science-based look at all things customer-related. Put Noah Fleming’s advice to work, and learn how to identify customers, win them over, and keep them coming back for more.”

Daniel H. Pink, author of To Sell Is Human

“We wanted to give our members an equal dose of immediately useful information and the confidence to put it to use. Noah’s closing keynote, which emphasized the critical importance of retention, gave us all a number of strategies that we could begin using right away. All of our members found the talk entertaining and useful. I recommend him highly.”

Robert Brady, president, Specialized Information Publishers Association and founder of Business & Legal Resources

